
how to find your unlisted videos on youtube

An unlisted YouTube video is a private video which anyone who has the link, has permission to view. It doesn't announced in search results, channels, social media or subscriber feeds. So unless you share the link of the unlisted video with someone else, only you tin can have access to information technology.

But if you ever ask yourself how to see your unlisted videos on YouTube, with the right instructions and a few clicks, you'll get access to your unabridged video library- including your unlisted videos.

Hither is a quick guide on how to see your unlisted videos on YouTube and few tips that will help you along the manner.

How to See Your Unlisted Videos on YouTube

Open up your YouTube account

First, you need to be logged to your YouTube business relationship on your browser or app and and then click on your profile picture show in the page's right corner.

Find the YouTube Studio

Later on you lot click on your aqueduct icon, select the "YouTube Studio" option from the carte that volition appear.

Click the "Videos" item

One time you click on the "YouTube Studio", a new page will open that volition bring you to the YouTube Dashboard. From the YouTube Dashboard, you can navigate your channel, and here y'all volition need to select the "Videos" item from the carte du jour that's located on the left side of the screen.

How to See Your Unlisted Videos on YouTube

Find your unlisted videos

Afterward selecting "Videos", a new screen pops upwards containing all of your YouTube videos- including your unlisted videos. To brand it easier for you, await under the "Visibility" cavalcade to see which video is marked every bit unlisted.

Search for your video

At present you can see every video that has been marked as unlisted.

Optional: If you are looking for a specific unlisted video in the YouTube Studio, just type the title of the video in the search bar of your aqueduct.

Why employ unlisted videos?

Mainly, if you have a private video then you can only show it to your family or friends, or maybe you have a successful aqueduct and want your viewers to take a glance at your make new video before it becomes public, or use information technology as an online resume it's upward to yous. There are many other useful reasons, just keep these steps in your mind if y'all forget or want to cheque your unlisted videos.

Few things to go on in heed

Video links

Even though unlisted videos tin be found both on your channel page and in the YouTube Studio, you demand to keep in mind a few things. If you want to make any modifications to your video yous'll merely need to exercise it from the YouTube Studio. To run across the unlisted videos you need to be signed to your YouTube channel. That means even if you are on the aforementioned YouTube account, but on a dissimilar channel, yous can't access the unlisted videos on the other channel.

Also, you aren't supposed to release/share the URL of your unlisted video in public. Anyone who possesses the link tin view and share the video with other people. And then, if y'all want your unlisted videos individual, don't share the URL with everyone and keep it hidden from the public.

Ever make sure yous don't have an motorcar-share set up earlier publishing a video. That might accidentally mail your unlisted video on social media and that'southward the last matter yous want to happen.


It may sound confusing and difficult at showtime, but it gets easier over time to see your unlisted videos. You merely simply navigate your way to the YouTube Studio and detect all of your unlisted videos on your aqueduct screen.


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